Press and media

Welcome to the press area of Flex4Res. The communications team is glad to help you with any requests or information you might need. We are happy to work with media representatives to bring exciting and unique stories into the world. You can contact us per e-mail (

The Flex4Res press is a regularly updated online and provides information that complements journalist’s stories and enhances understanding of the Flex4Res brand. Furthermore, you will find other press related material here, like logos and our brand guide.

Press releases

Pontus-X ecosystem

Flex4Res and deltaDAO join forces to build a data ecosystem for European manufacturing

The European research project Flex4Res has joined forces with the data ecosystem technology provider deltaDAO.

Press release Hannover Messe Gaia-X community

Data ecosystems are becoming real – Gaia-X community presents solutions for the future across industry boundaries

Industry and business are in the midst of radical change: sustainability, resilience and securing competitiveness […]


Five innovative research projects, one pioneering ecosystem

The research project Flex4Res is part of the project ecosystem around EuProGigant, which focuses on data spaces to exchange and use data from production securely and sovereignly.


EuProGigant Open House Day 2023

Insights into data sharing, discussions about data ecosystems and effective networking: On October 10 and 11, representatives from politics, industry and research met to discuss the sovereign, Gaia-X-compliant use of data based on the EuProGigant project ecosystem.

Flex4Res Use Cases

Industry-oriented research for resilient supply chains

The Horizon Europe research project Flex4Res aims to strengthen the European manufacturing industry by boosting supply chain resilience. Its four use cases are challenges that can be translated to the majority of production companies.

Kick-off Meeting for Flex4Res project

Boosting supply chain resilience

The new Horizon Europe project Flex4Res supports the European manufacturing industry in the flexible reconfiguration of production processes. 17 partners from six countries have started working on the project.

Brand identity

For more information related to the Flex4Res brand, such as fonts and colours, please download the Brand guide below. Additionally, you can download the Flex4Res logo package here.

Flex4Res in the media

Ideko diseña espacios de datos para la fabricación flexible y resiliente


La implementación de soluciones de monitorización y diagnóstico para optimizar la productividad y eficiencia de los equipos de fabricación avanzada, es una de las principales apuestas del centro tecnológico Ideko en el ámbito de la máquina-herramienta. …

Flex4Res soll Lieferketten stabiler machen


EU & Globalisierung. Das von „Horizon Europe“ geförderte Forschungsprojekt Flex4Res soll der Industrie helfen, ihre Lieferketten stabiler zu machen. Aus Österreich sind A1 Exoscale, TU Wien und voestalpine dabei.

Heutige Lieferketten sind komplex, vielschichtig und auf unterschiedlichste Weise miteinander verbunden. Das mache sie…

Wie ein Projekt der Uni Siegen Firmen in der Region hilft


SIEGEN. Wissenschaftler der Uni Siegen wollen Unternehmen in der Region die Arbeit erleichtern. So sollen Prozesse flexibler und schneller werden.

In Südwestfalen genießt die Metallverarbeitung einen hohen…